
Sivert Hoyem | release concert [preview] | fine art prints


last friday i was fortunate enough to be able to shoot the norwegian artist sivert hoyem's guest list-only release concert at a small club in downtown oslo. he just released his third album 'under administration' and 250 fans were lucky enough to experience the new album first hand.

i shot the concert using a leica m9 with (mostly) a leica summilux-m 50mm pre-asph lens and i can't wait to show you guys my results. look out for a post with a slew of images from the show in a day or two.

in the mean time, please enjoy these images of some pretty exclusive fine art prints i made earlier tonight. the epson 4900 in combination with hahnemühle paper is killer to say the least.

as always: click like, click share and help me spread the word - and thanks for stopping by!