free high quality wallpaper for your iphone, ipad & computer.



if you're like me, you want your digital desktop to be at least semi-tidy but with a backdrop you can watch for hours on end...

among the few things i actually can watch for a long time without getting tired of it, is a clear sky with puffy, weird, sleek and elegant clouds dotted all over it. my thought being - why not make a wallpaper out of it?

i've exported my photograph in quite a few different sizes. i've used optimal resolution on the chosen apple products as my starting point. don't hold it against me. just click on the correct size for your product, right click on the picture to save it and you're good to go:

iphone 4 (960x640) in 300 dpi (works fine on the 3G/3GS as well as a bunch of other smartphones)

ipad (1024x768)

macbook/macbook pro 13.3" (1280x800)

macbook pro 15" (140x900)

imac 27" (2560x1440)

any sizes you miss? shoot me a message or a comment and i'll see what i can do! :)

do you like it? what product will you use it on? feel free to leave a comment on whatever language you're comfortable with. :)