shades of gray | oslo wedding photography

colors are contemporary. monochrome is forever.
— morgan sikkerboel // stereosaint

where to begin? well...why don't i start by stating the obvious: quite possibly i'm the worst blogger ever. i'm not really sure if i should apologise, though, because instead of blogging, i'm working...i'm documenting peoples lives, capturing moments, making art...and loving the process as i move along at speed of light. let me tell you: it beats blogging. ;)

however, as of right now, my blogging hiatus is over...or at least it's on hold for the time being.

this blog post consists of 12 monochrome images from last saturday. i should mention that most of my clients are my age or younger. this couple was different and thus my images reflect that...which is why i wanted to share a very exclusive selection with you. more than anything, these are images are great examples of what i really enjoy documenting over the course of a wedding day. obviously i shoot a lot of portraits, images of families joined together, friends making new friends...but those fleeting moments...they're the icing on the cake.

i hope you enjoy these images and please do not fear: color will return shortly. unless you want me to hang out in monochrome-land a while longer...let me know in the comments-section!

for the geeks among you, you might be interested in knowing that all these iages were shot using a manual leica m (240) camera. i love shooting a rangefinder and i love working manually.

until next time, keep on rockin' in the free world!

- stereosaint -