
linda & anton | nyc wedding photograhy | leica photographer


a couple of weeks ago i teamed up with my good friend and photographer extraordinaire otto schulze to shoot linda & anton's intimate and very boutique wedding in my favorite city - new york.

every detail, from linda's vera wang dress and louboutin shoes to the amazing bookstore that was the venue for the celebration; it all came together in order to make this day of love truly special.

if you're interested in acquiring my services or simply want to get in touch, feel free to do so by using the contact form here. i'd truly love to hear from you.


Thanks to Linda & Anton for having me - the best of wishes to you both!

if you don't know otto's work, you should check out it here - very inspiring!

i shot the whole wedding using a leica m9p and summilux-m 50mm pre-asph lens.

bryllupsfotograf | bryllupsfotograf oslo | nyc wedding photographer | new york wedding photography | destination wedding photographer

renate & erlend | sneak peek | wedding photography



isn't she lovely?

a few weeks ago i was invited along to document the wedding of renate & erlend up in the mountains of norway. they had chosen a resort up there which was really nice and you can see a little slideshow from the night before the wedding in my previous post.

...but i digress - i started editing their wedding yesterday and the images are something else, if i'm allowed to say that myself. why, you may ask? simply because the people in them clearly love each other and real emotions look especially good in photographs! ;) i can't wait to show you guys the rest of them, but there's so many that i'm having a really hard time slimming down the selection...

if you're in need of my services, please do not hesitate to contact me - by phone, email or chat...there's an abundance of possibilities! to make things easy, though, i've got a contact form right here!








morgan sikkerboel | bryllupsfotograf oslo | bryllupsfotograf geilo | bryllupsfotograf norge | portrettfotograf | wedding photographer | destination wedding photographer |

winter wonderland | a wedding prologue | video

a couple of weeks ago i got in my car and drove up into the mountains here in norway to document the wedding of a sweet, young couple. the temperature outside was was about about -23º celsius...but inside there was a roaring fireplace, great food and good times to be had.

i've put together a little slideshow with images from the night before the wedding. the bride and groom had invited their families and closest friends for a little pre-wedding fun.

all images except the first one were shot with the leica m9 and the 35mm summilux wide open.



Renate & Erlend - a preview. from stereosaint on Vimeo.



[bryllupsfotograf] [bryllupsfotografering] [morgan sikkerboel] [vinterbryllup] [geilo] [vestlia resort]